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Addressing Insurance Complaints
Was a loan promised when selling you the policy? Uncover the facts and claim your rightful insurance benefits today.
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Reclaiming Funds from an Lapsed Policy
Recover your lost funds from a lapsed policy, ensuring your money doesn’t go to waste.
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Discover the truth behind your policy
Was a loan promised when selling you the policy? Uncover the facts and claim your rightful insurance benefits today.
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Welcome to Claimant Mitra

Know Your Insurance Rights

Our online portal Claimant Mitra,
was created in response to numerous complaints from customers who have been misled by their insurance providers. With over two decades of experience and a team of experts from the insurance industry, we offer a platform for redressal. We assist you in representing your grievances to insurance companies and finding appropriate solutions. Our services cover a wide range of insurance-related issues, including lapsed insurance policies, claim settlement assistance, recovery from insurance fraud, support for NRIs in policy servicing, and more.
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Aleesha brown

CEO & CO Founder

Grievance Redressal

Misselling Insurance

We're here to address your insurance complaints, ensuring satisfaction and resolving scams.

Claim Rejection

We offer expert assistance to resolve claim rejection issues, ensuring efficient and reliable solutions.

Policy Rejection

Don't lose hope if your insurance claim is rejected; non-disclosure is often the cause.

Service Issues

Claimant Mitra assists with all insurance service-related complaints and issues promptly.

NRI Services

We provide comprehensive support to NRIs facing insurance policy lapses.

Lapsed Policy

Regain coverage with Claimant Mitra: expert assistance in reinstating lapsed policies.

Delay in Claim process

We expedite your insurance claim settlement process, reducing delays .
Why choose us

Claimant Mitra as your insurance support platform

Team of skilled professionals

Claimant Mitra offers experienced insurance consultants to assist you with any filed complaint.

Solutions as per your requirement

We listen attentively to your concerns and provide tailored solutions to protect your insurance rights.

24x7 customer support

We are available 24/7 via phone or live chat to assist you with insurance grievance redressal.

Resolving Insurance Complaints

Our testimonials

Read some of Clients feedback

Thankfully after few months I got to know about Claimant Mitra and believe me they were actually worth their work. I got my refund within 20 days of their working.


Claimant Mitra is a very good organization. I m so lucky I connected these organization and solve my claim only 30 days !!!


My experience with Claimant Mitra was very Good. I had approached them regarding a matter misselling by a fraud agent.I sincerely appreciate "Claimant Mitra" for its tremendous assistance.


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Claimant Mitra: India’s trusted platform for resolving insurance claim-related issues.

Claimant Mitra began with a mission to aid miscommunicated or mistreated policyholders. In the past two decades, we have encountered numerous dissatisfied customers seeking resolution for their insurance policy issues.

Every year, a significant number of individuals fall victim to unscrupulous agents/intermediaries who sell insurance policies without providing accurate information. As a result, customers often file complaints against such fraudulent practices with the insurers. These complaints typically involve claim rejections and unnecessary delays in claim approvals.
  • Misselling of Insurance Policy
  • Claim Rejection
  • Delay in Claim Process
  • Policy Lapse due to unavoidable Reason Services Issues
  • NRI Services
  • Complete assistance : When filing a complaint against a health insurance or car insurance company, you require comprehensive assistance from a support team to effectively address your insurance-related problem
  • A better understanding of your rights : With the help of an insurance support platform, you can better understand what rights you have on your policy. It will help you take strategic steps while filing a complaint against life insurance company
  • Reliable guidance : Having reliable and trustworthy guidance for an insurance claim complaint is essential to ensure that you take the right steps in fighting for your rights without any missteps.
  • Clearing out all your misconceptions : In situations where dishonest insurance representatives may mislead you, an insurance grievance redressal platform serves as a reliable resource to dispel misconceptions and provide comprehensive guidance. They assist you in asserting your rights through the consumer complaint process, ensuring a thorough and informed approach.
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